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Be Kind To Your Mind

Purely Balanced presents 'be kind to your mind' as our usual has become very unusual, we are needing to adapt ... Show more
Emma Cook
10,000 Students enrolled
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Sometimes do you find yourself running on empty and feeling like you get no where fast. Do you have To-Do lists for your To-Do lists and do you still fall short!?

Do you find yourself with a downward spiral of negative thoughts and thought patterns and do you not know how to snap out of it?

Well we have a seminar for you .. Purely Balanced presents ‘be kind to your mind’ as our usual has become very unusual, we are needing to adapt and make changes in our day to day lives. Now more then every it is paramount we take care of our minds!

It is important we learn to manage our minds instead of our minds managing us! We have had over a decade of research and we have brought you the best bits of how to help you help yourself.

We take you over some HOW TO techniques on managing your thinking and how to be aware of your behaviour in these times of stress , uncertainty and anxiety. Easy to use techniques to use EVERY DAY and people wont even know you are using them!

We take you through why we think the way we think and how you can handle the negative trains of thought we may find ourselves in. With HOW TO techniques on switching from negative to positive and from work to home life, the 7 +/- 2 rule on thinking, and how to re centre ourselves amidst the chaos along with learning about how we speak to ourselves with our internal dialogue and how the words we choose affect the way we think.

Come and see for yourself . . .

Course details
Duration 1 hour
Video 1 hour

Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed